NASA Space Shuttles

View of one of the shuttles being transported into Washington, D.C.
In 2004, NASA retired three space shuttles, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor. Due to their contribution to space flight and exploration, the shuttles were deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places despite being younger than 50 years.
After their retirement, it was determined by NASA, the ACHP, and SHPOs from California, Texas, Florida, and Alabama, that the process of moving the shuttles, preparing them for museum display, and transferring them out of federal ownership constituted an adverse effect. Due to their significance, each shuttle was carefully documented and preserved.
The shuttles now reside in three different museum locations where through the Section 106 process, NASA, the ACHP, and the four SHPOs worked to ensure the exciting story of this program and the contributions made to space travel would be preserved and told in various formats reaching broad audiences.
So What?
This case shows how multiple entities and groups can work together and still come to an agreement.